Cap is adjustable and light in color
Short sleeve t-shirt is white with the design on the front. Sizes are adult sizes.
Caps are $15.00 each
T-shirts are $15.00 each
Please indicate the number of different size t-shirts you would like to order
______small______medium______large_____x large_____xxlarge
Total number of t-shirts_____x $15.00 each =________ total for shirts
Total number of caps ______x$15.00 each =________ total for caps
+$5.00 shipping per order if needed before the show
+0.00 free shipping to the show
________ GRAND TOTAL
All orders need to be pre-payed for caps,and t-shirts to Paul’s Bicycle Shop Inc.
472 West Third Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 before September 22, 2014 so you can receive your items before the show or for pick up at the show.
If you have any questions please email Paul at